The challenge of becoming an Analytics Engineer: choosing the right tooling

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When you’re starting as an Analytics Engineer, one of the first challenges you face is setting up your environment and choosing your tooling.

With so much to learn and so many different tools available, it can take time to figure out where to start. Especially if you are completely new to this field, there’s a steep learning/setup curve.


In this blog post, we’ll discuss the typical setups and introduce a new operating system that will be a game changer that will simplify adoption while keeping you focused on your work.



Setup usually starts out with an IDE, and getting packages installed is usually a daunting task. But don’t stress, you are in good company! The web is full of helpful guides ready to provide assistance and suggest the best setup for newbies. At AEcamp, we particularly recommend using VS code- its user interface, coupled with great Git integration, makes it easier than ever to learn how this version control system works.
If you are using dbt cloud, you can develop within the dbt’s newly revamped IDE that has a good Git integration, and it’s near complete with most functionality needed.






As you dive deep into developing models and finding insights, you may feel the distractions of needing to use several tools for specific tasks. Whether you’re looking at JIRA tickets, updating your code, taking screenshots and exchanging them over Slack, or hosting dbt-core for business users to access the data catalog. These distractions can make it hard to stay focused on what you need to do. You find yourself context-switching to please everyone’s requirements instead of giving 100% of your attention to the task at hand.





What if there was a tool to make your Analytics Engineering journey infinitely easier? Well, here’s – Paradime to the rescue! A new revolutionary Operating System for Analytics. With Paradime, you can manage all of your analytics development needs in one place, we no longer need to download and manage packages or maintain dependencies on local machines.


We’re very excited to announce that AEcamp is partnering with Paradime to provide our students with the easiest, most seamless onboarding process there is to this complex world of Analytics.

Paradime also seamlessly integrates with the best BI platforms, such as Looker and Tableau- so that you have a bird’s eye view of how data sources and models flow into various explores models and dashboards. 

Plus, onboarding is streamlined thanks to its fail-safe protections should any mishaps occur (!). Lineage tracking is also integrated and available throughout development processes together with data catalogs for seamless transitions between tasks, and collaborative live commenting tools so that working together has never been simpler.
On top of all these amazing features, Analytics Engineers productivity improves by 50% with Paradime.

If this wasn’t enough to get you curious about Paradime, it provides connectors to allow JIRA tickets retrieval and push Slack notifications – it’s the all-inclusive solution you’ve always dreamed of, making your job run like clockwork!
They are continuously releasing new features and providing top-notch support while building an intuitive Analytics Operating System – giving users access to their favourite tools in only one location! You can learn more about Paradime in this article.

Stay tuned for exciting and exclusive deals and our next course (coming soon) on 

“How to develop like a Paradimer.”

In the meantime, sign up now to become a ninja Analytics Engineer while learning with the best!

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